Dreamer. Writer. Advertising creative. Photographer.

Dreamer. Writer. Advertising Creative. Wanna be Photographer.



As quickly as my endeavors to Milwaukee began, I feel they ended.

It’s truly amazing how a person’s life can change in seconds.

One May afternoon, as I was walking home from work, I received a call from my best friend, which at the time lived in Houston, telling me she heard about a company in Miami that was hiring!

She had interviewed there, and was going to be moving in the next week, back home to be with her family.

I was jealous. I’m not going to lie.

I told her I would give her my resume so she could pass along to the creative department and see if MAYBE there was a job for me too…

Well, there was.

A week or two later my phone rings.

“Stephanie, My name is XXX, I am calling from Mass Hispanic, Cristy gave us your resume. You fit the profile of the person we are looking to hire.  We need someone to start as early as next week. Can you come in? When can you start?”


I freeze. My head starts spinning.  I have no answer but “yes, sure!”

I don’t know why I answered yes, without speaking to my live in boyfriend first, now fiancé… but I accepted and my new adventure began.

I drove down to Miami the following week. With the cat. And the boyfriend.

Currently I work at Mass Hispanic.  It’s going to be 2 years in a couple of weeks and I must admit this has been one hell of a ride.

Who even knew “Shopper Marketing” was a type of adv/marketing!

I have learned so much!!

I now know how to create retailer programs that are so engaging to consumers at a shopper level… I could sell Ice to an Eskimo!
(before it was just a saying! Now it’s REALLY true!)

I have amazing clients :

Kimberly-Clark (Kleenex, Kotex, Scott Brand, Huggies), Clorox, Wrigley’s Gum, Bush Beans, Pine-Sol, Hidden Valley Ranch, Ragu, Knorr, Glad and so many more!!!

It’s a lot of work, that requires MUCH attention to detail. But I’m glad I’m the person they chose to do the job.

Here are samples of some of our past promotions: