Dreamer. Writer. Advertising creative. Photographer.

Dreamer. Writer. Advertising Creative. Wanna be Photographer.

OMG I'm moving to WISCONSIN!

"Wisconsin!??!! What's in Wisconsin??!!"  My mom yelled as I shared with her the news I would be leaving the city I always called home.

It was Feb of 2009, and I needed a change. I didn't know what exactly, so I began applying to random job postings on TalentZoo.

One company, RedBrownKlé (RBK) called me back immediately after receiving my resume and offered me an opportunity to fly out and meet the partners of the small, Midwestern firm.

The Midwest! How exciting! I had never been to Milwaukee before! So, I did what every girl in her 20’s does: I googled it!
Results: Wisconsinites are known as “cheese heads” and state is well known for their beer!


Packed my bags, went in for an interview, got the job and moved to the Midwest during the  end of winter.

RBK gave me the opportunity to start the Hispanic department, and be the Hispanic Department.
We only had one other "competitor" in the city,  and that wa s aocmpany by the name of Abrazo Advertising. 
They wanted to differ than them and provide a style of work for the market was fresh and innovative.

They appreciated that I came from a LARGE city where more than 1 type of Spanish was spoken, and really loved my outlook on life and the Hispanic Culture.
I brought a lot to the table. And I was so happy I had the chance to open their eyes with multiple Hispanic insights they had no idea even existed.

I spent about a year and a half there.  

I’m not going to lie. I loved the people. The city. The difference in culture.

It’s in Wisconsin where I became an adult.
I was more grounded. Comfortable in my own skin.

But life took another turn in May 2010 with just one phone call.

My life is always FULL of surprises!

Here is some work I did while I was there: