Dreamer. Writer. Advertising creative. Photographer.

Dreamer. Writer. Advertising Creative. Wanna be Photographer.

We won a gold Reggie Award!

Honestly, I had no idea what Reggie awards were until I started working at Mass Hispanic, but they happen to be one of the highest honors a promotion company could win on a marketing program!
(click here for more info  http://www.pmalink.org/ )

I am happy to report we got the great news that we had won a GOLD Reggie for last year's Kimberly- Clark Kleenex Brand Sneeze Catcher program!

The national campaign included a massive Spanish-language TV, radio, PR, grassroots and digital strategy aimed at enlisting Hispanic children to sign up to become Kleenex Brand Sneeze Catchers. Besides receiving a free kit** with educational games and activities about proper cold-related hygiene practices, children who signed up had the opportunity to receive additional prizes, including a Kleenex branded bag, branded t-shirts for mom and child, and an official Kleenex brand Certified Sneeze Catcher ID card.

The program was such a great hit, that we will be promoting a 2.0 version of the program in 2012.

The program went as follows:

Kids were engaged through multiple touchpoints, in store, a brand ambassador would ask the child if they were interested in becoming a Certified Kleenex Brand Sneeze Catcher. They would need to fill out a quick and easy 5 question quiz.

They did not have to get the questions right in order to be a member. The brand ambassador would take the time to review the certification form and eductae the child on Kleenex tissues when he or she would get a question incorrect.

Certification quiz:

All kids would receive a member card. On the back of the card, he/ she would sign their name and promise to always catch sneezes in their tracks. A number would be given to them, and with that number, all children were able to go online and register on AtrataEstornudos.com where they could play cool games online and get more information on the program.

Certified Kleenex Sneeze Catchers would receive a KIT in the mail, KIT included a baseball cap, a Tshirt, a Kleenex Pocket Pack sample, and coupons for parents to use at store.

National FSI's as well as specific retailer FSI's were created to promote the program.

 National FSI 

We also partnered with Radio Disney to reach children at schools. They provided the children with Polybags filled with a flyer, coupons and a Kleenex sample to take home, and share with their parents.


Insert in Polybag

I'm so excited to work on this program in 2012! I would like to see what evolution the creative takes... and see how many more Kleenex Brand Sneeze Catchers we can certify!

A dream

I love water. All kinds of water. Especially the ocean. It's relaxing.
But what makes it truly special is the energy it holds. Something so relaxing is so incredibly powerful.

It's a monster no one can tame. It's a world that's not ours and has its own inhabitants.

So beautiful. So mysterious.

I took this picture today from a balcony in my building. I wish I was on that sailboat. I would just sail without a worry in the world.

One day, I will own a sailboat.
After I get my ranch of course.

Photoshoot fun at Mass Hispanic!

All work and no play??! UNHEARD OF!

Not in my book.

Below are some pictures we took last year that are too funny not to share.
Some might be inappropriate... but.... oh well...

I don't know what we could use these for... but, maybe someone will want to pay me to use them for a print ad one day (yeah RIGHT)